Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Writing Arsenal

If for some ungodly reason I decide I can't write professionally (not gonna happen by my free will, btw), I realized that my books on craft create quite the little arsenal. If you're a writer, you already know that if you buy everything that everyone says is a MUST READ, 1) you'll go broke, and 2) You'll never get them read. So, I try to get stuff that either is recommended by someone I admire (like S. King) or if I see it referred to repeatedly. So, along those guidelines, here's my list. Let me know if you have it, and what you think of it. If you have one you swear by and I don't have it, be sure to let me know!

(You will see that GMC by Deb Dixon is NOT listed. Someone that's very similar to me said not to get it, as our writing styles don't really mesh with it. From what I've heard about GMC, I'll agree, although I can see why others simply love it.)

1) On Writing, by Stephen King - As you know, I've read this and LOVED it, not only as a writer, but as one of his fans. This is one of the best books I've read. Ever.
2) The Elements of Style, by Strunk & White - I haven't read it yet, but S. King recommended it, so I'm all over it. 4th edition.
3) The Pen Commandments, by Steven Frank.
4) Heros & Heroines, by Cowden, LaFever & Viders (I scanned this and thought it was really neat.)
5) First Draft in 30 Days, by Wiesner
6) No More Rejections, by Orr (Nice concept, isn't it?)
7) Writing the Romantic Comedy, by Billy Mernit (I don't remember where I read the recommendation on this one, but it looks good.)
8) The Writer's Journey, by Vogler
9) Writing the Breakout Novel, by Donald Maass (I think EVERYone recommends this!)
10) Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, which I'm currently reading.
11) The First Five Pages, by Noah Lukeman, which is as freakin' dry as grass in Texas for the month of August. I finally put it down and moved to Self-Editing.

I think I may have one or two more around here, but can't remember off the top of my head. So whatcha think? Good list? See anything missing? Any comments on what I have? And still, after absorbing all of that into this little Texas brain, it all comes down to only one thing: Do I have the talent and persistence to pull it off?


Lexi said...

HELL YES! You have the talent. Don't EVER forget that!

Brenda said...

Chris, you're like the #1 cheerleader. Thanks, chicka.

Now if I only had YOUR determination.

Lexi said...

Your determination will come. You'll get to a point where you KNOW you're good and you're going to make it and you won't let ANYONE's negative energy pull you down.

Duke_of_Earle said...

My agent SWEARS by (not at) Self-Editing. He's told me to read it at least once a month. For what it's worth. He's STILL not been able to sell my MS. But maybe. Someday...