I spent most of the summer in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. The younger two took swimming lessons, and then Vacation Bible School at my parents, then Nationals.
Ah. Nationals.
Which I almost MISSED! I am not remotely kidding. I had it set in my brain and on my calendars that I'd be in DFW for two weeks for swimming lessons (I have pics around here somewhere - if I find them I'll post them), a week in Cameron, a week in DFW for VBS, a week in Cameron, then back to Nationals. But um, someone said, "Aren't you supposed to be at Nationals?" and I said, "Not til next week" and they said, "Um, noooooooooo" and I said, "Ohhhhhhhhhh crap!" and turned around and literally ran right back out the door, calling my parents to let them know I was headed back and OH, by the way, you're watching the kids THIS week, not next. Ooops on me. I got there, registered, asked where the bar was, found it, and first people I saw were Suzanne Brockman and Nora Roberts. Kinda cool way to start it. Since I didn't have to worry about weight of luggage due to driving this time, I got to totally take advantage of books galore. Unfortunately, my digital cam decided not to work, but Chris, the Critique Partner Extraordinaire, saved the day and I got this fabulous shot with Susan Elizabeth Phillips!
So that covers most of June and July. August - I finally got my disability determination. I'm legally disabled. Yeehaw.
School started. Ugh.
Shandie's now a senior.

Carly's in 8th grade, and just got inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Needless to say, we're disgustingly proud.

Sydney ~ Now in 2nd grade, decided to go on a tooth-losing streak in a freak attempt to bankrupt the Tooth Fairy, 'cause let's face it, Syd's just that way.
Cooper ~ First grade, and not one to sit by and let Sydney get all the Tooth Fairy Gold, quickly started his own quest... At Chili's no less. What a way to lose a first tooth, eh?
Then he decided to save the day... 'cause let's face it, Cooper's just that way. He has HERO written all over his face, don't ya think? My dude...
Then we had Homecoming in September, and I made Shandie's huge mum, and did alterations on Carly, and got the infamous burn on my finger, which, even afer totally healed now, still leaves a huge, huge, INDENTED scar on my middle finger on my right hand - 'cause - yes, you know where this is going - I'm just that way...
Now it's October. I just turned 38. Yeehaw. ~sigh~ But overall, life is pretty good. As far as writing, I'm currently working on a 'script and still reading my line. I do have a new laptop, so I finally faced the fact that every attempt (yeah, yeah, every EXCUSE) has been erased, and I have been working at long last. I even signed up for a challenge through Austin RWA and I'm DOING IT! YAY!
So there ya go. This is long, but hey, consider yourself updated.
You have had a busy time this year. The kids sure are growing fast. Great to see your writing once again!
Holy crap.
We're too young to have Seniors in high school, Brenner.
I didn't realize Shandie was that old. It had also been a bajillion years since you posted a picture of Coop. Wow.
Get writin', Girl.
Oh, BTW:
Nymphomania qualifies as a disability now? That's awesome Brenners. Make sure you send me mapquest directions to the support group.
HA! Aren't you the funny one today? :P
You were gone too long, Doll. I've got a backlog of teasing to get in before you disappear again.
~singing Kotter's theme song~
"Wel~come baa~~ckk..."
Yay, glad to see you're up an' writin' again!
Thats not nyphomania, its nonephomania with all those activities.
Congrats on the disability...more time for words!!
What great kids you have, there's something horribly unfair about that.
I finally got my disability determination. I'm legally disabled......
nice to know that hard earned tax dollars go to quench a drinking habit.
Oh great - Dwight and D going back and forth. Ugh.
Ya know, Anon, I usually don't publish you're rambling crap blown out of your ass... err... mouth... but this time I did simply to show your absolutely ignorance. 1) I rarely drink (after all, it doesn't mix well with the narcotics, ya know) and 2) You make it sound like OTHER PEOPLE'S hard-earned money is paying my way. Do your homework, Sunshine. I get only what *I* personally put into Social Security, so yeah, I'm now getting MY OWN hard-earned money.
Now go back to the swamp and find some your kin to inbreed with. You're good at that. And don't think that this particular time I published your comment means I'm going to continue to let your venomous goo seep onto my blog.
Huh? Did I miss something? Just figured with all those activities, nymphish stuff was as far away as the sun.
So instead, I'll just change it to, guess I know why your disabled...doing too many bunny hops... or would that be bunny humps.
the blonde demon got cuter even with no teeth.. how does she do it?! lol. the eldest.. oy yea, nuff said on that one :P lookin pretty sexy yourself too mama! give "my kids" a hug for me please? well those who want one that is :P - Anon *wink*
Laughs - consider your hugs passed on, S.
Miss ya!
S? *eyes you for old time sake* maybe i missed something.. or you dunno who your kids dad is anymore.. oh that makes me so sad :P anyway i doubt very much you miss me *grin* but thats sweet of you to say anyway :P *winks atcha from cali*
The -=BEST=- anon blogger ever :x
Okay, so it was supposed to be an F, not an S. Work with me here... it's the holiday season and I'm a hectic mess.
Kisses to you - hope you're doing good. Email me sometime.
Heya Brenda -- happy holidays, etc.
So I got a new blog too
hugs and nibbles and stuff and say hello to the young 'uns from Ol' Weird Ed. :)
what is your email anyway? the gmail one just bounces.. kisses to you too, hot mama ;) hectic mess.. holiday season? *snicker* not gonna touch that one :P but im well and i hope you are too :)
Hey ED :) Hope all is well!
F - it's the same: firstnamelastname@gmail.com
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