Shandie: So say Santa decides you weren't good this year...
Syd: Define good.
Shandie: Let me see what faces you'd make if you wake up to only coal this year.
This is the result.
Note that Cooper looks like a broken-hearted little boy. Sydney, however, looks like she's considering Jingle Bell Castration.

Santa had best watch out for Syd.
Subject matter theme aside, that's just an awesome picture. Mom's cropping makes it one for the ages.
Okay, now when I view it, the picture isn't showing up. Why is that? Does anyone know?
Dwight, I cannot believe you had no comment about MY new picture after all the comments you had about my other two. Are you running fever? Feeling ill? Everything okay?
Cute! And Nice new Diva Pic Brenda! lol
Merry Christmas!
Great picture! Have a wonderful holiday!
I can feel Sydney's eyes peircing (spelling??) right through my soul. VERY creepy. Cooper looks like somebody didn't get him a fruit bar and now he's all pouty because he feels that he deserves EvErYtHiNg!!! HAHA did I confuse ya' with that last word???? Bwahahahaahahahahahaha!!!!
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