Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Slow Down Long Enough

* to hear your inner voice

* to rediscover yourself

* to listen and be heard

* to empower one another

I heard this last night at our monthly ARWA meeting. I found it incredibly fitting for myself right now and where I'm at. Most importantly, I loved the last one - empowering each other. I can think of no other profession than writing where support and understanding for another are so important.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that, sister! (Although, sometimes I think that first one should be *to hear your inner voices*

Duke_of_Earle said...

Consider yourself hereby empowered! What's the diff. between the many unpublished and the published? Persistence! You've got the talent. Just keep after it!


Bill said...

You need to add “ Remember to breathe” top the list!

Seriously.. a great list, thanks for sharing it!

Kristen Painter said...

I agree - what other profession do you find this level of support and understanding? Not many, I think.

I love being a romance writer and although I think I'll love it more as a published author *VBG*, I wouldn't change anything about the journey I've been through or the people I've met so far. This is a great community!

Dana said...
